viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2013

2014.... What's will happends.

HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY Incomming 2014 Year...

From my part to all the people intro this web, friend from the Net, I wish you a very very good New Year, I hope this Crysis, the Devil in this Society will drop off and we continue are happy like in another past years...

I hope this year finish this long Travel of doing this Game, it's my Second proyect and I'm sure this not will be economical good, but really I learn a lot, and I'm very happy because make only 2 or 3 years I don't know what was an arry or declare functions or variables, my level was practically 0, but the Basic of my CPC... make a lot of time when I was programming with my little hands and my 0 skills for readinf computer books... how changes all from 80's to this 2014...

Well guys thanks for continue reaidng, who are doing and else, thanks too for intro to this Blogs.

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2014!!!!

Iván J.

No, no it's an Update... nearly... XD

HI guys I'm not sure, but perhaps you don't look the links at the rights of the Blog... They are my Friend in the Net, doing awesome and cool things... Not only with 3D , graphics or games... With Electronic too, if you want go and see wahts this crazy guys are doing, please visit, I'm sure they will be glad you make some comments...

Thanks and sorry for don't put another update, commind soon, now I'm finish the 2nd part of the Aries Editor, the Collision Engine...

Thanks for continue here and be patiently, I'm sure this incomming year 2014 the game Will be FINISHED... I hope this after practically 2 years of Development...

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

Aries Editor, running!!!

HI guys come Back again!!! a lot of time without Updates, ins't?¿
Ok, just this week I finish Aries, my pattern and putting things Editor for BlackSun, really don't cost me too mcuh make the Editor about 1 + half month, but I'm relaxing in August, in Septembet cost me a bit put the machines to full...

Leave explain a bit how works, for now it's a bit buggy but nothing important, and I have to add another Class of Enenmies more , for get more complexity in the screen at the same time, after obviously I add some special items in each stage... Basically the Editor doens't makes all work, but help a lot of.

I leave a video, quick and dirty Edition but enough for look how works, rebember a bit buggy...

Thanks again for continue follow the project I think we are more near of the ligth :D


PLEASE in FULL HD you can see with more detail than in the little Frame.

martes, 6 de agosto de 2013

Closed for Hollydays :D

Hi guys this month, August I leave the development to September, I think I need some days for relax, and think  in new ideas for the game..

Thanks a lot for continue Reading me, and follow the development.

Iván J.

martes, 30 de julio de 2013

Aries, final Version

HI finally I finish practically my Aries Editor, basically it's a pattern editor for the enemies, and don't pick the code each line, for each round of enemies comes into the screen...

I put the text in Spaninsh but it's very similar to the old Image... I hope this weekend upload a video, showing a bit how works!!!


jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Aries the Editor

Huff!! I look the last date I posted something and pass a lot of time.. sorry guys, I continue working in the game, but I give a less gass, very extressed in the past moths...

Well now I'm working again in another Editor, I think it's the best Strategy for finish the game, perhaps for the end of this same years (well I think the same make 2 years ago).

For now something doens't works, but I think before the end of this month I will have working at 100%, for now I think I have the 89% working.

The Editor don't make great things but it's very helpully for some repetitive task, like put enemies and configure the attack patterns, change the kind explosions, and the sprite of the enemies... can do add details to the Scenario change OpenGL Lighting and touch the translations of the camera...

Perhaps I add something more, but for now I think whit this I will work more afordable...

Thanks for continue here, and I hope finish the game some near Century :)

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

Video Beta 0.1 BSun First Stage... Early Video

Well whit a bit of Delay, I leave this video, it's only for testing something, and you can see something about the game... a lot of days and hours working here!!!, from March of the past year to Final of the 2012, too much hours picking code, and making graphics, but basically I do the hardest part, I'm not programmer and I beggin only make a 3 years ago... Thanks GLBasic, you are the Best languaje for a Indie Developer, or for someone like me don't have any idea to pick a only one line of code...

I hope you like at least a bit... else feel free to comment me anything, all I can do better, always it's nice ear another opinions...

Thanks a lot, and thanks for continue looking the news in my post...
I hope in a medium or not too much long time, Black Sun can be the lights in the App Markets for movile devices... I'm planning seriously make a port to PC, but this require more enfort, for make texture and more definied Graphics...

Thanks a lot for continue Here!!!,
Iván J
Lot of time whitout Updates... But continue in progress...

Well in this post I put some images about the Second Stage, the first Stage I leave a video, very poor, and not it's the real gameplay, but you can see somthing in movement... but first le me show you, some images I work this week, how I told this are for the Second Stage, but at today I don't have too much definied how will be the backgrounds, I'm thinking in a winter whit frozen paradise, or something more caoutin in the midnight... But I have sometime to think about this...

The graphics are only modeled , except only one I put tecxtures yet...

Basically are torrets for attack to the player... If you find some changes in the UI of the soft, I changed... I love Cinema 4D... I think a very very good tool!!! much better than 3ds Max...

I leave a tiiny videos, texting the movement of a couplt of torrets...

This don't have too much quality, but for a light idea this it's in the rocks of the mountains, from the hole appears the enemies making some pattern

And this it's only a simple test for using this Weapon, I'm not sure if this will be a very hard Laser, or something like Plasma Ball, very whit a very strong explosion...