viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Estamos trabajando en ello...

Hola Amigos!!! :) ...

Too much time again without do any post... Don't worry the game it's continue developing, but I drop down the FPS Working on it, I'm studing a bit Open Source Software , like Blender for my future tool of develop games , will Be SHiva3D and I don't the same time like some months ago...

For now I'm working in the V.2.0 of Aries the Editor of the game, this time the Editor it's a lot of times more easy to use, I leave the trick of use only Shorcuts, because after some time without touch it, I don't reminder how use it XD...

I leave a couple of captures, and perhaps I upload something for you show how works...

Thanks again for your patience.. and I pray to all Goods for fininsh the game this same year.. Too much time yet, I forget the count...

Iván J....