jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

Video Beta 0.1 BSun First Stage... Early Video

Well whit a bit of Delay, I leave this video, it's only for testing something, and you can see something about the game... a lot of days and hours working here!!!, from March of the past year to Final of the 2012, too much hours picking code, and making graphics, but basically I do the hardest part, I'm not programmer and I beggin only make a 3 years ago... Thanks GLBasic, you are the Best languaje for a Indie Developer, or for someone like me don't have any idea to pick a only one line of code...

I hope you like at least a bit... else feel free to comment me anything, all I can do better, always it's nice ear another opinions...

Thanks a lot, and thanks for continue looking the news in my post...
I hope in a medium or not too much long time, Black Sun can be the lights in the App Markets for movile devices... I'm planning seriously make a port to PC, but this require more enfort, for make texture and more definied Graphics...

Thanks a lot for continue Here!!!,
Iván J
Lot of time whitout Updates... But continue in progress...

Well in this post I put some images about the Second Stage, the first Stage I leave a video, very poor, and not it's the real gameplay, but you can see somthing in movement... but first le me show you, some images I work this week, how I told this are for the Second Stage, but at today I don't have too much definied how will be the backgrounds, I'm thinking in a winter whit frozen paradise, or something more caoutin in the midnight... But I have sometime to think about this...

The graphics are only modeled , except only one I put tecxtures yet...

Basically are torrets for attack to the player... If you find some changes in the UI of the soft, I changed... I love Cinema 4D... I think a very very good tool!!! much better than 3ds Max...

I leave a tiiny videos, texting the movement of a couplt of torrets...

This don't have too much quality, but for a light idea this it's in the rocks of the mountains, from the hole appears the enemies making some pattern

And this it's only a simple test for using this Weapon, I'm not sure if this will be a very hard Laser, or something like Plasma Ball, very whit a very strong explosion...