miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

Another internal Tool

Hi whit this video I show you, a little tool but very effective...

It´s a simple Atlas creator for sprite... I try some utilities in internet, but in GLBasic don´t runs fine for me... and I made a simple Atlas creator.

In future versions, perhaps I add support to change colors and the tone of all Sprites at the same time, not it´s too much difficult, but for now this utility it´s present each day, when I do some Sprites in a 3D Suite.

Preview of the Hi-Table Scores

HI this it´s a test, I did sometime ago, I suppose in the real game I will change something, or perhaps not, I like the result, but I look very empty the image whit the planet.

It´s nice view how GLBasic can fusing 2D and 3D and create extange forms and nice graphics whit 2D and 3D mixed, and it´s easy easy, like a layers in phothop, but programming.

Come back from Holidays.

Hi there a little time with out post nothing... I take a week, becuase I´m very tired from the beggin of Black Sun and I need to refresg and think in new ideas.

Hi again, and I hope you like the little new 2 videos.
