It´s only a behaviour and the graphic... al do it, in a couple of Hours... thanks to GLBasic...
In the video you can see a bit the behaviour of the enemy, but it´s for multiple propourse, not only for use whit this graphic, and this shot Pattern...
This few Images, are only like a test, textures are finish, but I have to add lightmap or Complete map, but I have to add some Frame to the Windows...
I add my miniPort of the OPENGL ES 1.1 to GLBasic and I have a little better rendering, in example the Attenuation in the Lights and the possibility of change Difusse, Specular and Ambiental color and intensity in Light and Objects...
Some graphics for the Powr Ups... perhpas I add some special ... in teh Image the Satellite (Hyperion), power Ups, don´t appears, basically I don´t have yet!!! :(
A very simple test of the msg Box... in certain parts of the game will appears , advertising about what comes in...
Really it´s very nearly Stuff and only I do for test the Code, if works fine whit all the other parts of the Code, the GFX of the ship perhaps I leave whit this aspect, but the Font and the text change sure!!!
Another point, it´s in mobile debile the green lines (TV interferences), don´t have this dark green color, are more transparents, but the look it´s nice... at least for me!!!