miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

Some model, some textures

Hi!!! today I finish the tunnel (I hoppe), a part of the first Stage, in this little image you can see, 3 models, really are 2, and 3 textures, for compound the tunnel...

The only special model it´s the 3rd, this have windows... and I make succesfully a nice effect mixing a 2d background and 3D whitout drop down the FPS... really I think it´s nice... but it´s only my opinion ;)

I see you the next Time...

sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

A little technical Images

Hi today i work, in this few images, for show something about BSun, not are images of the real game.. but it´s like a Dossier, inspired in the faboluos Manuals of  " Navy Moves " from Dinamic in 80´s... I continue Loving this awesome Super-Producction...

Navy Moves, one of the Best game in the spanish soft, in 80´s decade

Image of the game in a Amstrad CPC... The second Load... Impressive the use of Terminal Computers!!!

Well my Images...

Hello Again!!!

Hi there!!! a lot of time whitout post nothing...

From my last post about the Editor for Black Sun , the things are changed... again... the Editor I did, finally I don´t use becuase I don´t finish , and was very tedious make somthing... it´s have a lot of things and it´s very powerfull but, for work day to day, make the game will be very complex...

From this point, I restart Again the black Sun, from scracth, now the 99% of the code it´s do it, and I have some graphics, but in this moment I prefer make some more graphics and apply the playbility to the game for show the first Beta Video...

Black Sun Continues in Development... and I think now it´s better than before... (I hope this, perhaps I´m wrong)

Thanks for continue taking a look to the Blog...

About the date, I hope in Christmas of this year I can, or I want lauch the application, but I have a lot of Delay, and I have a  hard way in front of me... but I hope finish it!!! ...

Kinds Regards,