jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

Looking back , in Youtube

Well I don´t remember this video I did, at the star of the Black sun, Looking the date says 11 December 2011, I think I arrive a bit later :)...

But I like the look of the video...

Few Enemies Atlas...

Some Enemies I did... some have more than a only One pattern... perhaps some models will be deleted or modified...

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Frank Friky--- Oficial Beta-Tester of Black-Sun

Hi there!!! too much whit out Updates--- Too much work too, whit the Black Sun...

Well this entry it´s only for advice about the Beta-tester of the game, the Genious of the Shot ´em Ups.. FrankFriky-YT in youtube... I think this man, played more games of space ships than all the humanity... Thanks Fran for help me to improve the game...

If you want visit his channel, press here, and you can see a lot of videos about Shot' em Ups, if you understand Spanish you will find problems whit the language...

Regards, and coming soon I can show a real footage of the game, a video not static images and tests...


miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

Another internal Tool

Hi whit this video I show you, a little tool but very effective...

It´s a simple Atlas creator for sprite... I try some utilities in internet, but in GLBasic don´t runs fine for me... and I made a simple Atlas creator.

In future versions, perhaps I add support to change colors and the tone of all Sprites at the same time, not it´s too much difficult, but for now this utility it´s present each day, when I do some Sprites in a 3D Suite.

Preview of the Hi-Table Scores

HI this it´s a test, I did sometime ago, I suppose in the real game I will change something, or perhaps not, I like the result, but I look very empty the image whit the planet.

It´s nice view how GLBasic can fusing 2D and 3D and create extange forms and nice graphics whit 2D and 3D mixed, and it´s easy easy, like a layers in phothop, but programming.

Come back from Holidays.

Hi there a little time with out post nothing... I take a week, becuase I´m very tired from the beggin of Black Sun and I need to refresg and think in new ideas.

Hi again, and I hope you like the little new 2 videos.


viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

Video Test, from real time Viewport whit Audio

Second part in the first Stage, into a ghost Space Ship...

Looking for generating a good ambiental music, very metallic and dust...

Test Hexagonal_Enemy (Multi_Shot Enemy)

HI new Update!!!

It´s only a behaviour and the graphic... al do it, in a couple of Hours... thanks to GLBasic...

In the video you can see a bit the behaviour of the enemy, but it´s for multiple propourse, not only for use whit this graphic, and this shot Pattern...

viernes, 6 de julio de 2012

Some Preview Real Images in the Game

This few Images, are only like a test, textures are finish, but I have to add lightmap or Complete map, but I have to add some Frame to the Windows...

I add my miniPort of the OPENGL ES 1.1 to GLBasic and I have a little better rendering, in example the Attenuation in the Lights and the possibility of change Difusse, Specular and Ambiental color and intensity in Light and Objects...

The Power Ups...

Some graphics for the Powr Ups... perhpas I add some special ... in teh Image the Satellite (Hyperion), power Ups, don´t appears, basically I don´t have yet!!! :(

First test video Uploaded

Hi there!!! again a new Update! :)...

A very simple test of the msg Box... in certain parts of the game will appears , advertising about what comes in...

Really it´s very nearly Stuff and only I do for test the Code, if works fine whit all the other parts of the Code, the GFX of the ship perhaps I leave whit this aspect, but the Font and the text change sure!!!

Another point, it´s in mobile debile the green lines (TV interferences), don´t have this dark green color, are more transparents, but the look it´s nice... at least for me!!!

Thanks for watching...

miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

Some model, some textures

Hi!!! today I finish the tunnel (I hoppe), a part of the first Stage, in this little image you can see, 3 models, really are 2, and 3 textures, for compound the tunnel...

The only special model it´s the 3rd, this have windows... and I make succesfully a nice effect mixing a 2d background and 3D whitout drop down the FPS... really I think it´s nice... but it´s only my opinion ;)

I see you the next Time...

sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

A little technical Images

Hi today i work, in this few images, for show something about BSun, not are images of the real game.. but it´s like a Dossier, inspired in the faboluos Manuals of  " Navy Moves " from Dinamic in 80´s... I continue Loving this awesome Super-Producction...

Navy Moves, one of the Best game in the spanish soft, in 80´s decade

Image of the game in a Amstrad CPC... The second Load... Impressive the use of Terminal Computers!!!

Well my Images...

Hello Again!!!

Hi there!!! a lot of time whitout post nothing...

From my last post about the Editor for Black Sun , the things are changed... again... the Editor I did, finally I don´t use becuase I don´t finish , and was very tedious make somthing... it´s have a lot of things and it´s very powerfull but, for work day to day, make the game will be very complex...

From this point, I restart Again the black Sun, from scracth, now the 99% of the code it´s do it, and I have some graphics, but in this moment I prefer make some more graphics and apply the playbility to the game for show the first Beta Video...

Black Sun Continues in Development... and I think now it´s better than before... (I hope this, perhaps I´m wrong)

Thanks for continue taking a look to the Blog...

About the date, I hope in Christmas of this year I can, or I want lauch the application, but I have a lot of Delay, and I have a  hard way in front of me... but I hope finish it!!! ...

Kinds Regards,